Three things in life that, once gone, never come back -
1. Time
2. Words
3. OpportunityTime... they said waits for no one. All the yesterdays were things of the past and if we didnt make full use of it, the time is lost and gone forever. I often thought of the days gone by that I had wasted, and that I should have done better or I should have made different decisions in life.I can only make it up in my tomorrows.
Words... that have been said, it is either music to the ears or it could hurt someone's feelings. There had been occassions when I regretted saying something that should not have been said. Worst still if it is being misinterpreted.
Opportunity does not come too often, if we missed one, there might be another but you are leaving it to chance. We should always grab the opportunities that comes our way, but without being greedy.
Three things in life that can destroy a person -
1. Anger
2. Pride
3. UnforgivenessAnger... People say..anger is dont lose it. Anger will only add more stress to your life.
Pride... We all should have pride,but to a certain extent. We should not let pride get in the way of things.
Unforgiveness... Although it is easy to say that we need to forgive but its not so easy to do. We need to forgive, so that we can have some peace of mind and not let it consume our thoughts.
Three things in life that you should never lose-
1. Hope
2. Peace
3. HonestyHope... is what keeps us going. By having hope, we are hanging on to life.
Peace... within ourselves. the best policy. It is better to be honest and dont have to worry when we had told a lie.
Three things in life that are most valuable -
1. Love
2. Family & Friends
3. KindnessLove... makes the world a wonderful place to be.
Family and friends...makes us feel less alone and appreciated. for all mankind.
Three things in life that are never certain -
1. Fortune
2. Success
3. DreamsFortune... is a gift from God.It could just come out of the blue! a gift from God. We all tried our best to succeed. But sometimes luck is not on our side.
Dreams...We often start something by first dreaming about it.Dreams may come true or it may just remains as dreams. No harm in dreaming.
Three things that make a person -
1. Commitment
2. Sincerity
3. Hard workCommitment...One should be commited to whatever one undertakes, especially in any relationship or any task that we undertake. a virtue. No one appreciates someone who is not sincere.
Hard work...always paid off.