Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rush hour

August 29th 2006

Yesterday was like rush hour the movie.Started the morning with a meeting at a client's place which lasted till lunch time, had two mugs of tea and biscuits. The tea boy there is very good, he knows what is every one's drink, he would prepare tea with milk for me, everytime I am there without asking. We went for lunch with another client who came down to see his stand design, and thanfully he liked our ideas. We had seafood for lunch...lobster, crayfish,shrimps,crabs, fish, calamari and of course the normal appetiser of fried bread with hoummus dips, salads and fried rice.All these goes well with lemon mint drinks. And were too full to try the dessert. On top of that were a trio serenading the diners.And to my suprise, she sang Sheila Majid's "sinaran"... They told us that they had a stint in Kuala Lumpur for a few years.And he had a duet with Sheila Majid at a concert in KL. After lunch we were racing through all the way back to the office since my boss had a flight to catch.Adrenalin rush.Anyway he did make it to the airport in time.
So yesterday was our turn to speed like the locals do and weave in and out of the afternoon traffic. We couldnt afford to give any chance to anybody who want to overtake or sieve in to our lane.
Found another problem with the new office renovation, so we had to postponed our moving in day from saturday to next wednesday. So that will give me enough time to clear up my space.Seems that the more space we have the more we collect.It is very difficult for me to throw away things, bits and pieces of paper, old magazines, references etc. Eventhough I am not using them anymore. Old habits die hard.

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