Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh What a time ...

The month of December has always been a month that brings out a lot of fond memories.
The rainy season definitely reminded me of the winter months though minus the snow.
The cool morning fresh air, the gloomy days with strong winds blowing...oh why do I have to think of the past ?

And tonight I am listening to Enya again, my favourite music. Enya always reminded me of how beautiful "LOVE" is... more so what love "WAS" or "WERE".

They are all past tense now. Where are all the loves of my life !
They are all nicely stored in my Ferragamo shoe boxes.

Whenever I listen to Enya ... a day springs back to life ... and makes me want to fall in love!

Will "LOVE" comes back into my life again ?

1 comment:

Danusia Jurandówna said...

It is always hard to read someone's sad posts, because you are getting remember your own gloomy stories. And you feel useless 'cause you want to help, but you can't...

But the only thing I know - if you feel something - you are alive! No matter WHAT exactly you feel: love, hate, hurt or kindness - you are alive... This is the main!